Building a brand from the ground up

Hydrostork is an up-and-coming online store catering to the needs of gardeners and growers. Its mission is to provide high-quality base nutrients and supplements, garden tools, and clothing, which will help professional and enthusiast gardeners alike be more productive and keep their plants healthy and thriving.

Aware of our wizards’ years of experience in the niche, Hydrostork chose us to build the brand and store from the ground up.

Establishing a new brand in a highly competitive niche market with high penetration difficulty

Our wizards had the unique opportunity to participate in the establishment of every aspect of the store:

  • foundation of the brand identity
  • website design and development
  • the user journey
  • the product supply and demand analysis
  • feedback on future product portfolio expansion opportunities
  • and much, much more…

The task was clear – use our knowledge, experience, and digital prowess to create a profitable store like no other in the UK.

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Planning, strategy and imaginative approach

With a clear strategy and a robust action plan, we worked on numerous fronts to ensure the store will attract growers and rank organically.

Our experts delved into the intricacy of Hydrostork’s star products and brands. They uncovered the pinpoints that were plaguing UK gardeners. Thus, they tailored the content of both products and articles to provide knowledge, value, and substance.

On another front, as a new brand with no historical data and user database, Hydrostork needed to establish everything from scratch from an email marketing program to a PPC strategy.

The particular challenge was bringing highly targeted cold traffic via PPC and convincing them Hydrostork is the best place to make a purchase from. Our team analyzed every data string and every aspect of user behavior to meticulously optimize every penny. Our wizards developed a blend of shopping, display and search ads to fuel a ruthless sales funnel.

Last but not least, came messaging and customer care. Hydrostork prides itself on exceptional feedback from customers who are happy that the brand delivers on its promises of fast and efficient service and a high level of customer care. A clear proof that the brand messaging is spot-on.

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The outcome

Hydrostork is a new brand. So, it took some time to get scalable data for comparison. However, the results have been excellent since the shop’s launch in 2019 – 376% increase in annual sales

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All thanks to the comprehensive approach of the content strategy.

If you need experts with relevant experience to guide and support your marketing efforts, click the button below to schedule a free 15-minute consultation.

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