Selling Window Wells for 30+ years is again profitable

A small family-owned company manufacturing window wells has been a life’s passion for its founder. Quality above quantity has been his motto for a long time. He remembers his days driving his truck, creating window wells for his customers on the spot. But that was then – 35 years ago. Тhings change. It is the 21st century now. The new digital economy took over, and his business started to struggle.

When sales are down, and costs skyrocket, it’s time to call the pros

The company faced enormous challenges – no paid advertising, poor search engine optimization, and no planning and goals. One exception was the great content, written passionately and published throughout the years. So we started with the SEO…

wwe results

Bending SEO to your needs

With deep-dive research of the marketing, using the most sophisticated methods, along with standard SERP analysis, we’ve managed to increase the lead amount by 115% and maintain it.

 The challenge and our work ahead

  • Lead generation on the market is dominated by end-sale products.
  • Fixing the website structure and the user experience.
  • Mapping the keywords to the correct, most relevant landing pages

The solution

  • Industry and competition analysis
    – finding Keyword gaps, content, and backlink gaps
    – Along with the necessary keyword research and density analysis, we did keyword mapping. From three landing pages appearing in the SERP for all relevant queries, now the website is happy to receive organic visits to over 40 different pages.
  • Rearranging the products by creating new product pages and product categories according to organic search queries.
    – Improving the mobile experience and website speed for mobile devices
    – Fixing the UX flow and CTAs
  • Establish the website as a trustworthy source of information by adding unique skyscraper content suitable for collaboration with other credible online sources.

Reaping the result

  • As you can see below the total organic sales between January 1st and July 31st, 2022 are $98,838 by spending $2,450 per month (total of $17,150) on SEO efforts.
window well graph
  • 284,621 unique users organic growth by creating skyscraper content to generate endless user traffic.
  • Website health score41% vs. 93%
  • Page Speed:
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  • Mobile friendliness:
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If you need experts with relevant experience to guide and support your marketing efforts, click the button below to schedule a free 15-minute consultation.

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